Covering 16 problems with time online and 16 solutions, parents and elementary educators, this book is for YOU! Let's face it, kids love screens.
But they don't know what's best for their own good! Follow Sam on a journey from being a distracted, screen obsessed youngster to a confident, screen smart teen. Written in gender neutral terms, children can relate to Sam's struggles keeping the addictive screen "bad habit monsters" away with new rules that help create new healthy habits.
This read-aloud story is a great conversation starter for parents to talk about why limiting screen time is necessary and encourages social emotional learning opportunities.
Featuring easy-to-understand science about the addictive nature of screens and how it affects the body and brain, this internationally-acclaimed book engages young kids & parents to think about how their time would be better served interacting with others off-line.
Screen Smart Sam is available on Amazon and a special edition co-created with UpTurn Learning is available for digital download and purchase in India via Amazon.
“Digital media allow our kids to enter a virtual world full of behavioral challenges, dangers, and predators. This book is outstanding and helps your child to develop healthy screen habits and stay safe in the digital age!”
- Andrew P. Doan, MPH, MD, PhD
Author of “Hooked on Games”, Physician, and Neuroscientist
I love how Screen Smart Sam learns how to use screens responsibly and chooses the people he loves to spend his time with versus time online. Sam battles the Bad Habit Monster and with his parents help, he wins his life back!
[We have] a copy of Screen Smart Sam to share on my campus, I can’t wait to read it in our classrooms and see it on display in our library!
-Principal Stefan Joly, Μ.Εd.
Oakridge Private School, CA
A public school teacher since age 21, Nicole feels her most important youth guidance job comes as a mother of two (now young adult) boys who had their own struggles with screen time, gaming addiction and social media overuse when they were young. By removing access to screens for 60 days, her children redefined their priorities and choose to focus their time on studying and activities like flying, fishing, and joined the rowing team. None of which would have happened if their seemingly harmless habits continued. Now her oldest son can fly planes solo and has an interest in the aviation industry rather than gaming.
A dynamic speaker and expert on youth digital wellness, Nicole is passionate about educating families about the risks of leisure screens according to the latest research and best practices prescribed by the American Pediatric Association, CDC and other reputable organizations. Nicole is the founder of Screen Time Clinic empowering parents through 1-1 coaching, group courses, and seminars. She is also an active member of the Digital Wellness Collective and the Children's Screen Time Action Network, as well as other professional networks dedicated to promoting a healthy childhood.
Education and literacy has always been a passion of Nicole's. Screen Smart Sam was inspired by her experiences at home and in the classroom as well as frustrations expressed by other teachers about screen dependency issues with students, and many client stories while coaching of screen struggles and successes. Nicole believes in the power of shared experiences within families, prioritizing time to slow down and read to children, play with them when they are young, and guide them in the right direction as they become older. When children hear stories read to them they gain access to greater vocabulary and glean tidbits of information.
Screen Smart Sam Content Overview for Schools (pdf)
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In collaboration with and Unplug Collaborative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit